June 04, 2004

The Political Invisible

The Confidence Man was recently enjoying an evening of televisual entertainment courtesy of one of the slithering tentacles of Rupert Murdoch's Hydra, and he happened to see a promotional message for an upcoming dramatic series by the name of "North Shore," with an appropriately and attractively tawdry logline. Apparently, it's a poor-boy-meets-privileged-girl teen soaper, along the lines of "The O.C."

What really struck The Confidence Man about the promo, however, was the ad's VO tagline crescendo. It started off with "They were from different worlds ..." over a montage of teen hotties surfing and, as the kids say, "getting it on," and then built to a penultimate VO tagline of "They came from different classes ..." again over the continued Gidget-Does-"Dallas" montage.

Now: we all know that the dramatic phrase "they came from different worlds," outside the realm of scifi, means specifically that the romantic couple under consideration come from different class backgrounds.

So: The Confidence Man is confused. Why take the extra step of actually referring to class immediately thereafter? What, then, would/could the "different worlds" mean in this syntactic structure?

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